Tech Start-Up Huttono Acquired By Revolution Four

Revolution Four Bolster Tech Offering

Start-up Huttono has been acquired by Wirral based digital marketing agency, Revolution Four. Huttono is a fledgling technology company focusing on hardware, networks & telecommunications. Founded a little over a year ago as part of our business incubator program, it had grown to a point where they needed to bring more people at management level.  Revolution Four had a solid project management & marketing strategy in place, so the two companies complimented each others strengths & weaknesses.

Huttono have built their reputation on hardware & connectivity.  They look at how a modern network of computers is structured and networked together to ensure efficient, secure & reliable running.  They provide a full networking service, including cloud server support and telecommunications.  They pride themselves on finding the most effective ways to connect users to the internet, ensuring no bottlenecks, secure connections with both reliability & backup.

Nik Justine Digital Marketing AgencyLockdown has increase the use of digital marketing, which has allowed Revolution Four to retain a solid work base over the last few months, more of which is underpinned by technology.

Founder Justine said “We have relied on the team at Huttono to provide a lot of the back end support, so to be able to work closer with them is brilliant & will certainly help us become more efficient in the future.”  Business partner Nik added, “We’ve seen a lot of amazing software tech companies come through over the last few years, but there’s not been much focus on the hardware, the machines, switches, servers upon which so much is dependant.”

Find out more about Revolution Four here




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